Winter Circuit 2018 - Session # 2


Hi I’m Taylor Williams and I play for Durham City Chameleons and Uplay Canada and we recently traveled to Virginia Maryland.

We won 4 out our 6 games so far in the Rose Classic League.

Traveling to Virginia was a lot of fun I learned a lot of new things about my teammates/ how we play together and learned how to act (be respectful, kind, clean up/ leaving the place how we get it like on the bus) when out representing Uplay. 

So that is a rap stay tuned for my next blog.


My name is Jordyn Dawkins and I play for Uplay Blue, and session 2 was amazing and way more successful than session 1. This time we added on two more players who add more intensity to the team and, with their help, we went 3-1 instead of 1-2. Session 2’s experience has been the best one so far because with each game we played we worked more as a team and became closer, the grade 9’s and the 8’s.

While we were on the ride back to Canada, we found out that some of the top American teams want to organize a tournament in Toronto that we host which is a huge honour because usually we are the ones traveling to other places to play.

Some people got written about on twitter during the tournament which is really cool. I got written about and it said that I was one of the strongest shooters in the league going 4 for 5 from the three-point line which is the most amazing thing to happen to me since joining the team. This session was awesome and every time I go, I learn something new about the way Uplay plays basketball. No doubt session 3 will be another amazing experience.